The Wolfe family with Spanish mackerel and mangrove snapper.
So, if you’re from out of state you’re probably wondering if the fishing is any good in upper Tampa Bay right now. Yes, it is!
Back in March a leak from a Piney Point phosphate mining facility holding pond dumped 200+ million gallons of wastewater into lower Tampa Bay. For months, little to no environmental impact was observed. Unfortunately, as the weather heated up, the water temperatures throughout the region began to rise and a red tide algae bloom spawned. Now dead fish are washing ashore along the beaches from St. Petersburg to Clearwater. Most of the fish being affected live nearshore and at the mouth of Tampa Bay. This incident has slowed the fishing in these areas.
The good news: Not where I’m located at 5108 West Gandy Blvd., Tampa.
Since all this made national news recently, I’m getting phone calls inquiring about what’s going on. I can assure you this. The fishing has not been effected by red tide in upper Tampa Bay.
When considering a trip to this area and at which hotel to stay, first ask if dead fish are a problem there. If so, keep calling around. The concentrations of red tide vary day to day and better hotels are constantly cleaning their beach fronts.
For some of the best inshore fishing, please call Afishionado. I can accommodate one to six people comfortably and a goodtime will be had by all.