Tampa Bay Red Tide Fishing Update

Brad Hobbs with a Tampa Bay snook.
All the local media hysteria reporting on the red tide issue and dead fish floating in Tampa Bay has many visitors and locals alike wondering if any fish survived the recent outbreak.
I’m here to tell you, there has been little to no impact to the fishery in upper Tampa Bay. As a matter of fact, the fishing is better than it was prior to Hurricane Elsa, which blew all the dead fish into the bay in the first place.
Don’t get me wrong, some parts of Tampa Bay were affected by red tide and fish died, but it was far less than the media would have you think. As of right now, I’m happy to report the red tide is loosening its grip on the bay and thangs are starting to get back to normal.
As Brad Hobbs from St. Petersburg, who fished with me yesterday, stated, “I expected to see floating dead fish, but saw none.” If that’s not enough to convince you, check out my recent posts on Facebook and Instagram. There are easy links at the bottom of every page on my website.